Sunday, February 3, 2013

The first MN Exchange--Feb. 2, 2013

Well, yesterday was a roaring success! When I first had the impression that I needed to do the Exchange in this area I had no idea what to expect. Would people donate? Would people come? Would people volunteer? I knew I couldn't pull this off on my own, but I also knew that the inspiration came from God, so He would make things work.

Sometimes I would forget that He was really in charge, and then I would get a little nervous. As of 4 days before the event the only donations I knew about were the bags in my garage, so I kept repeating to myself what I'd been telling others: This idea didn't come from my little head--it came from a loving God, and I'm expecting a loaves & fishes miracle.

Sure enough, I got it:

Over two days 45 members of my church congregation spent over 180 volunteer hours sorting and organizing thousands of pieces of clothing, toys, books and household items. Around 200 members of our community came and took almost everything home. The leftovers went to "Everyday Miracles" in Minneapolis and the Arc's Value Village in Brooklyn Center.

Can't wait to do it again next year! Be sure to "like" us on facebook ( to find out more!